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2017-09-03 18:13:29 +02:00
# Beautiful Hugo - A port of Beautiful Jekyll Theme
![Beautiful Hugo Theme Screenshot](
## Installation
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone beautifulhugo
See [the Hugo documentation]( for more information.
## Extra Features
### Responsive
This theme is designed to look great on both large-screen and small-screen (mobile) devices.
### Syntax highlighting
This theme has support for both server side and client side highlighting.
#### Server side syntax highlighting
Use the `highlight` shortcode (with Pygments),
see [the Hugo documentation]( for more information.
To use this feature install Pygments (`pip install Pygments`) and add `pygmentsuseclasses = true` to your `config.toml`.
#### Client side syntax highlighting
Use triple backticks ( ``` ) or triple tilde ( ~~~ ) around code blocks.
Client side highlighting does not require pygments to be installed.
### Disqus support
To use this feature, uncomment and fill out the `disqusShortname` parameter in `config.toml`.
### Google Analytics
To add Google Analytics, simply sign up to [Google Analytics]( to obtain your Google Tracking ID, and add this tracking ID to the `googleAnalytics` parameter in `config.toml`.
### Commit SHA on the footer
If the source of your site is in a Git repo, the SHA corresponding to the commit the site is built from can be shown on the footer. To do so, two environment variables have to be set (`GIT_COMMIT_SHA` and `GIT_COMMIT_SHA_SHORT`) and parameter `commit` has to be defined in the config file:
commit = "<username>/<siterepo>/tree/"
This can be achieved by running the next command prior to calling Hugo:
GIT_COMMIT_SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD` GIT_COMMIT_SHA_SHORT=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
See at [xor-gate/]( an example of how to add it to a continuous integration system.
## About
This is a port of the Jekyll theme [Beautiful Jekyll]( by [Dean Attali]( It supports most of the features of the original theme.
## License
MIT Licensed, see [LICENSE](